Friday, January 3, 2014

And onto 2014!

2013 New Years Resolution : Lose weight – CHECK.

2014 Resolution : Be creative again (Writing, painting, music,etc) – Let’s do this. It starts with having a blog again.

Never Assume; New Year’s blog

Should 2013 hand its left-overs like a wannabe fancy restaurant, the lesson “Never Assume” would of came with me into the new year wrapped in a swan like shape of tin foil. It would of also probably came in quite a large amount, enough to feed a whole family, because certainly 2013 made this lesson quite clear.

Honestly, looking at the New Year at this time last year I was hoping for things to settle after moving into a new quieter home. Picking your home is nothing light; I think it should always be the one thing in your life you know will be there, warm and friendly. And the pleasure here is, once you picked your home – you have to hope the owner picked you. Folks, don’t fall in love until you’ve signed the lease.

My irony here is that once home was finally quiet and calm ; the rest of everything swung into chaotic mode. Grab on to your balls boys, this is going to be a bumpy ride.

Don’t assume, but also be thankful. Mostly we should be thankful for each day that we get to live in health. It’s pretty clear should you have followed my year where my thoughts are on health, but if all you got is the sniffles, I would say that’s pretty great.

Don’t assume anything is forever. The sturdiest jobs, marriages or whatnots can fall. It’s the part of life that keeps you awake, it always feels like a brick wall, and it will heal, in time. Everything takes time, surround yourself within the people and hobbies you love and let that be a great bandaid. Hashtag : Friends & Family

Grimside over and done, I got to see some great things throughout the year. The soul of New Orleans was simply astonishing. Louisiana has a gripping history, it overtakes you just like its friendly locals. Hashtag : Southern Hospitality.

Also got to drop onto the Queen’s Land, London busy and hectic left for great seaside suburbs where the pace of life is much more similar to that of the Caribbean, but with a northern “Its not always sunny here” tone. Serenity.

And on to 2014; Traveling early in the year and then planning on a break to save up to go bigger. Hopefully I can stick to it, I’m obviously addicted in discovering.
Make new friends, Keep up with old friends, Take opportunities, they don’t always come twice.

Take things as they come, prepare a Plan B but know to see what happens, as only one thing can be assumed, the road is never completely straight and flat.